Get the Juice
The Australian cricket team has been caught cheating in an international match. Even worse – the team’s captain was directly involved in planning it. It was premeditated, carried out in full view of the cameras and junior players seem to have been “thrown him under a bus”. As leaders, what can we learn from this sorry tale?
The expectations placed on leaders have increased dramatically in the past few years. It is no longer enough to just manage the business and inspire people - you need to be constantly growing, developing and transforming yourself for tomorrow's reality. Many leaders are turning to coaching...
Tackling accountability head-on just makes people feel less accountable! Hear how you can break out of this catch-22 and hear about the top five areas to get right so that accountability starts happening by itself...
High profile companies are responding to crushing corporate scandals by improving their accountability. But why do they keep getting it wrong? Over and over again...
A 'culture of accountability' depends on everyone in an organization feeling a strong sense of personal and shared passion for what we do. Find out how this starts with a different approach to Vision and Values, and how this requires us as leaders to communicate differently...
The problem with the approaches dictated by conventional wisdom is that accountability can’t be solved through top-down, mechanistic, analytical approaches – no matter how smart leadership is.
Once a year at Thanksgiving, Lime teams in each office get together for our annual gratitude ritual. It's a time for us to pause, be present with each other and consciously bring to mind the things we are grateful for. The research on the business benefits of gratitude has been mounting up for years now. The power of looking someone directly in the eye and sharing with them succinctly and authentically what you appreciate about them is like rocket fuel for team performance. If you haven't already, give it a try.
With the evolution of the internet and mobile technologies, we have 24/7 access to new data and with that, comes a temptation to want to absorb it all. Organisations are constantly storing and referring to multiple sources of data to enable them to make informed decisions that will ultimately drive improved business performance. But more often than not, these decisions don’t drive improved business performance quite as leaders hope, and we are left wondering why so much input and data isn’t adding value
Team Lime loves to celebrate. And Halloween is one of our favourites. Yes, it was an excuse to dress up, act goofy and generally break up the week. But it's also keeping us tuned up and at our best serve our clients. Yep. That's our story and we're sticking to it. Click and read on to see some interesting stats that may just have you celebrating a bit more too.
"If you want to be exceptional... at anything... you have to get very good at resisting socialisation." I call that a blinding flash of the obvious. A good friend of mine said that to me years ago; no doubt because I was lamenting (a.k.a. whining about) the energy it took to drive myself, my team and my clients to produce top quality results. As this friend happens to be a wickedly talented sports psychologist working with elite athletes, I thought I'd best swallow my pride and really think about his comment. Fifteen years later, I am still thinking...