Get the Juice
While we know difference of opinion is essential to generating innovative answers, too often the hassle of diversity blocks us from embracing its benefits. Fortunately, by focusing on commonalities rather than difference, it is possible to capture the value of diverse teams.
Shan Lyn-Ma is the CEO and co-founder of Zola - without a doubt the coolest wedding registry around.
If you want to enact change in your organization, first look at the rules. Is your system set up to reward behaviors that are not aligned with corpo
Video interview with Sarah McGill on how to build capabilities to manage well in a crisis
It’s become almost a truism that executives rarely focus their energy on what’s most important for their business. This often occurs within the area of strategic thinking.
Lime’s recent tweet on an old Tony Schwartz article-“The 90 minute solution: live like a sprinter”-encouraged me to do a little research of my own. Try out this method and see what it does for you!
I recently rediscovered an article written by Clayton M. Christensen in August 2010 about what it takes to live a successful and happy life. Good news... as long as you are OK with hard work.
Being a leader is not easy. Regardless of the health of your bank account, if you're leading people what you DO is even more important than what you say; and that's a tough gig.
After 10 years of work, Keller and Price have at the very least provided strong evidence for what Lime advocates on a daily basis - the need for leaders to give adequate attention to the soft stuff if performance is to be improved and sustained.
Business leaders have a choice. Either we can learn from the crisis and give up our love affair with short-tem results and shiny things, OR we can sit and watch as the governments of the world progressively exert control. Which do you choose?